Главная » Участники » dmitry » Маруся-333. Saas ecwid test » Rosette are very flirtatious person, who has not been able to determine best clothes.
Rosette are very flirtatious person, who has not been able to determine best clothes.

Rosette are very flirtatious person, who has not been able to determine best clothes.
She did not want to hide their snow-white fur coat. As a result, Rozochka decided to adorn themselves with a gentle rose of natural silk handmade. Lips are reinforced with wire, so attractive face can take on different expressions. Alas, photos can not convey all the charm of this lady. The fur is long enough so that u can do styling. The head and limbs can moving. Monkey is sitting confidently & can standing.
  • Раздел: Интерьер, дизайн
  • Дата съёмки: неизвестно
  • Дата загрузки фото: 25.04.2016 19:42
  • Оригинальная фотография: 420 x 647 ( 41 Кб)
  • Фотоаппарат: неизвестно
  • Просмотров: 564
  • Рейтинг: голосов еще нет
  • Отзывов: 1

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Комментарии к фотографии
1. shapeshifter (27.04.2016 02:41)
похоже на тсантсу :-0
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