Лампа накаливания первых поколений с двумя углеродными нитями накаливания производства "Economical E
Бумажная бирка на колбе. Надпись на цоколе.
"Нано" технологии тех лет: 1901-1908 dual-filament bulb manufactured by the "Economical Electric Lamp Co." of New York. 16 candlepower when the "high" filament is lighted, 1 candlepower when the low filament is lighted. The paper label says:
16x1 Pat. 6.1.02 110
Pat. 6.30.03
Stamped on the side of the base:
PAT. JULY 9.1901
PAT. NOV. 8.1904
The most pertinent patent is No. 732,644 of June 30, 1903, filed December 30, 1902
Location: Bloomington, Indiana, USA.