- Раздел: Другое, разное
- Дата съёмки: неизвестно
- Дата загрузки фото: 09.07.2021 18:50
- Оригинальная фотография: 2371 x 1557 (4,4 Мб)
- Технические характеристики:
- Фотоаппарат: Sony DSLR-A350
- Выдержка: 0,0
- Гиперфокальное расстояние: inf m
- Диафрагма: 2,8
- Светочувствительность: 200
- Фокусное расстояние: 16,0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 16,0 mm)
- Полный EXIF
- Composite
- Aperture: 2,8
- CircleOfConfusion: 0,020 mm
- FOV: 96,0 deg
- FocalLength35efl: 16,0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 16,0 mm)
- FocusDistance: inf
- HyperfocalDistance: inf m
- LensID: Sony DT 16-50mm F2.8 SSM (SAL1650)
- Megapixels: 3,7
- ScaleFactor35efl: 1,5
- ShutterSpeed: 0,0
- ExifIFD
- BrightnessValue: 6,75
- ColorSpace: sRGB
- ComponentsConfiguration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
- CompressedBitsPerPixel: 8
- Contrast: Normal
- CreateDate: 2016:06:10 13:43:28
- CustomRendered: Normal
- DateTimeOriginal: 2016:06:10 13:43:28
- ExifImageHeight: 2871
- ExifImageWidth: 4371
- ExifVersion: 0221
- ExposureCompensation: 0
- ExposureMode: Auto
- ExposureProgram: Aperture-priority AE
- ExposureTime: 0,0
- FNumber: 2,8
- FileSource: Digital Camera
- Flash: Off, Did not fire
- FlashpixVersion: 0100
- FocalLength: 16,0 mm
- FocalLengthIn35mmFormat: 24 mm
- ISO: 200
- LightSource: Unknown
- MaxApertureValue: 2,8
- MeteringMode: Center-weighted average
- Saturation: Normal
- SceneCaptureType: Standard
- SceneType: Directly photographed
- Sharpness: Normal
- UserComment:
- WhiteBalance: Auto
- IFD0
- ImageDescription: SONY DSC
- Make: SONY
- Model: DSLR-A350
- ModifyDate: 2016:06:10 13:43:28
- ResolutionUnit: inches
- Software: DSLR-A350 v1.00
- XResolution: 300
- YCbCrPositioning: Co-sited
- YResolution: 300
- InteropIFD
- InteropIndex: R98 - DCF basic file (sRGB)
- InteropVersion: 0100
- PrintIM
- Sony
- AELock: Off
- AFAreaMode: Spot
- AFIlluminator: Auto
- AFPoint: Middle Horizontal
- AFPointSelected: Center
- AFPointSetting: Upper-right
- AFStatusActiveSensor: Back Focus (+133)
- AFStatusBottom: Out of Focus
- AFStatusBottom-left: Out of Focus
- AFStatusBottom-right: Out of Focus
- AFStatusCenterHorizontal: Back Focus (+133)
- AFStatusCenterVertical: Front Focus (-9)
- AFStatusLeft: Out of Focus
- AFStatusMiddleHorizontal: Back Focus (+133)
- AFStatusRight: Out of Focus
- AFStatusTop: Out of Focus
- AFStatusTop-left: Out of Focus
- AFStatusTop-right: Out of Focus
- AFWithShutter: On
- ApertureSetting: 2,8
- AspectRatio: 3:2
- BatteryLevel: 56%
- BatteryState: Sufficient
- BracketShotNumber: 0
- BracketShotNumber2: 0
- Brightness: 0
- ColorCompensationFilter: 0
- ColorCompensationFilterCustom: 0
- ColorCompensationFilterSet: 0
- ColorMode: Vivid
- ColorSpace: sRGB
- ColorTemperature: Auto
- ColorTemperatureCustom: 5500 K
- ColorTemperatureSet: 5500 K
- Contrast: 0
- CreativeStyle: Vivid
- DriveMode: Single Frame
- DriveMode2: Single Frame
- DynamicRangeOptimizer: Off
- DynamicRangeOptimizerBracket: Off
- DynamicRangeOptimizerLevel: 1
- DynamicRangeOptimizerMode: Off
- ExposureBracketShotNumber: 0
- ExposureCompensationSet: +0,3
- ExposureLevelIncrements: 1/3 EV
- ExposureProgram: Aperture-priority AE
- ExposureTime: 1/664
- FNumber: 2,8
- FlashAction: Did not fire
- FlashAction2: Did not fire
- FlashControl: ADI
- FlashExposureComp: 0,7
- FlashExposureCompSet: +0,7
- FlashMode: Fill-flash
- FocusMode: AF-A
- FocusModeSetting: AF-A
- FocusModeSwitch: AF
- FocusPosition: 128
- FocusStatus: Confirmed
- HighISONoiseReduction: High
- HighSpeedSync: Off
- ISO: 200
- ISOSetting: 200
- ImageStabilization: On
- ImageStabilizationSetting: On
- ImageStyle: Vivid
- LensSpec: DT 16-50mm F2,8 SSM
- LensType: Sony DT 16-50mm F2.8 SSM (SAL1650)
- LongExposureNoiseReduction: On
- MeteringMode: Center-weighted Average
- PrioritySetupShutterRelease: AF
- Quality: Fine
- Rating: 0
- RedEyeReduction: On
- Rotation: Horizontal (normal)
- Saturation: 0
- SceneMode: Standard
- Sharpness: 0
- ShutterSpeedSetting: 1/5
- Teleconverter: None
- WhiteBalance: Auto
- WhiteBalanceBracketing: Off
- WhiteBalanceFineTune: 0
- WhiteBalanceSetting: Auto
- ZoneMatching: ISO Setting Used
- ZoneMatchingValue: 0
- System
- Просмотров: 161
- Рейтинг: голосов еще нет
- Отзывов: отключены