- Раздел: Город
- Дата съёмки: 21.06.2010 16:41
- Дата загрузки фото: 04.07.2010 06:17
- Оригинальная фотография: 3872 x 2592 (2,3 Мб)
- Технические характеристики:
- Фотоаппарат: Nikon D3000
- Выдержка: 1/1250
- Гиперфокальное расстояние: inf m
- Диафрагма: 4,5
- Светочувствительность: 400
- Фокусное расстояние: 28,0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 28,0 mm)
- Полный EXIF
- Composite
- Aperture: 4,5
- AutoFocus: On
- BlueBalance: 1,05567
- CircleOfConfusion: 0,020 mm
- DOF: inf (0,00 m - inf)
- FOV: 64,0 deg (3,00 m)
- FocalLength35efl: 28,0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 28,0 mm)
- HyperfocalDistance: inf m
- LensID: AF-S DX VR Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G
- LensSpec: 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 G VR
- RedBalance: 0
- ScaleFactor35efl: 1,5
- ShutterSpeed: 1/1250
- SubSecCreateDate: 2010:06:21 16:41:38.00
- SubSecDateTimeOriginal: 2010:06:21 16:41:38.00
- SubSecModifyDate: 2010:06:21 16:41:38.00
- ExifIFD
- CFAPattern: [Green,Blue][Red,Green]
- ColorSpace: sRGB
- ComponentsConfiguration: Y, Cb, Cr, -
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- Contrast: Normal
- CreateDate: 2010:06:21 16:41:38
- CustomRendered: Normal
- DateTimeOriginal: 2010:06:21 16:41:38
- DigitalZoomRatio: 1
- ExifImageHeight: 2592
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- ExifVersion: 0221
- ExposureCompensation: 0
- ExposureMode: Auto
- ExposureProgram: Aperture-priority AE
- ExposureTime: 1/1250
- FNumber: 4,5
- FileSource: Digital Camera
- Flash: No Flash
- FlashpixVersion: 0100
- FocalLength: 28,0 mm
- FocalLengthIn35mmFormat: 42 mm
- GainControl: Low gain up
- ISO: 400
- LightSource: Unknown
- MaxApertureValue: 4,4
- MeteringMode: Multi-segment
- OffsetSchema: 4100
- Saturation: Normal
- SceneCaptureType: Standard
- SceneType: Directly photographed
- SensingMethod: One-chip color area
- Sharpness: Normal
- SubSecTime: 00
- SubSecTimeDigitized: 00
- SubSecTimeOriginal: 00
- SubjectDistanceRange: Unknown
- UserComment:
- WhiteBalance: Auto
- IFD0
- Model: NIKON D3000
- ModifyDate: 2010:06:21 16:41:38
- Orientation: Horizontal (normal)
- ResolutionUnit: inches
- Software: Ver.1.00
- XPKeywords: The Canadian
- XResolution: 300
- YCbCrPositioning: Co-sited
- YResolution: 300
- IFD1
- Compression: JPEG (old-style)
- ResolutionUnit: inches
- ThumbnailLength: 7602
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- XResolution: 300
- YCbCrPositioning: Co-sited
- YResolution: 300
- InteropIFD
- Nikon
- AFAperture: 4,5
- AFAreaMode: Auto-area
- AFInfo2Version: 0100
- AFPointsUsed: Center, Bottom, Far Right
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- AutoBracketRelease: Manual Release
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- DaylightSavings: Yes
- DirectoryNumber: 101
- EffectiveMaxAperture: 4,5
- ExitPupilPosition: 93,1 mm
- ExposureDifference: 0
- ExternalFlashFirmware: n/a
- ExternalFlashFlags: (none)
- FileInfoVersion: 0100
- FileNumber: 0365
- FilterEffect: n/a
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- FlashInfoVersion: 0103
- FlashMode: Did Not Fire
- FlashSetting: Normal
- FlashSource: None
- FlashType:
- FocalLength: 28,3 mm
- FocusDistance: 3,35 m
- FocusMode: AF-A
- FocusPosition: 0x06
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- ISO2: 400
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- Lens: 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6
- LensDataVersion: 0204
- LensFStops: 5,33
- LensIDNumber: 154
- LensType: G VR
- MCUVersion: 156
- MakerNoteVersion: 2.10
- MaxApertureAtMaxFocal: 5,7
- MaxApertureAtMinFocal: 3,6
- MaxFocalLength: 55,0 mm
- MinFocalLength: 18,3 mm
- MultiExposureAutoGain: Off
- MultiExposureMode: Off
- MultiExposureShots: 0
- MultiExposureVersion: 0100
- NoiseReduction: Off
- PhaseDetectAF: On (11-point)
- PictureControlAdjust: Default Settings
- PictureControlBase: Standard
- PictureControlName: Standard
- PictureControlQuickAdjust: Normal
- PictureControlVersion: 0100
- PowerUpTime: 2010:06:21 16:41:37
- PrimaryAFPoint: Center
- ProgramShift: 0
- Quality: Normal
- RetouchHistory: None
- Saturation: Normal
- SerialNumber: 5032051
- Sharpness: 3
- ShootingMode: Single-Frame
- ShotInfoVersion: 0217
- ShutterCount: 1498
- Timezone: -05:00
- ToningEffect: n/a
- ToningSaturation: n/a
- VRInfoVersion: 0100
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- VibrationReduction: Off
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- NikonPreview
- Compression: JPEG (old-style)
- PreviewImageLength: 23762
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- ResolutionUnit: inches
- XResolution: 300
- YCbCrPositioning: Co-sited
- YResolution: 300
- System
- XMP-dc
- XMP-microsoft
- DateAcquired: 2010:06:28 18:10:18.358
- LastKeywordXMP: The Canadian
- XMP-rdf
- About: uuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d33d75182f1b
- Просмотров: 377
- Рейтинг: голосов еще нет
- Отзывов: 0