- Раздел: Другое, разное
- Дата съёмки: 15.08.2015 11:42
- Дата загрузки фото: 05.12.2023 13:29
- Оригинальная фотография: 3877 x 2181 (4,5 Мб)
- Технические характеристики:
- Фотоаппарат: FujiFilm X-T1
- Выдержка: 0,0
- Гиперфокальное расстояние: inf m
- Диафрагма: 4,0
- Светочувствительность: 200
- Фокусное расстояние: 55,0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 55,0 mm)
- Полный EXIF
- Adobe
- APP14Flags0: [14], Encoded with Blend=1 downsampling
- APP14Flags1: (none)
- ColorTransform: YCbCr
- DCTEncodeVersion: 100
- Composite
- Aperture: 4,0
- CircleOfConfusion: 0,020 mm
- DateTimeCreated: 2015:08:15 11:42:06+00:00
- FocalLength35efl: 55,0 mm (35 mm equivalent: 55,0 mm)
- FOV: 36,0 deg
- HyperfocalDistance: inf m
- Megapixels: 8,5
- ScaleFactor35efl: 1,5
- ShutterSpeed: 0,0
- Ducky
- ExifIFD
- ApertureValue: 4,0
- BrightnessValue: 7,83
- ColorSpace: sRGB
- CreateDate: 2015:08:15 11:42:06
- DateTimeOriginal: 2015:08:15 11:42:06
- ExifImageHeight: 2181
- ExifImageWidth: 3877
- ExifVersion: 0220
- ExposureCompensation: 0
- ExposureMode: Auto
- ExposureProgram: Aperture-priority AE
- ExposureTime: 0,0
- FileSource: Digital Camera
- Flash: Off, Did not fire
- FNumber: 4,0
- FocalLength: 55,0 mm
- FocalLengthIn35mmFormat: 83 mm
- FocalPlaneResolutionUnit: cm
- FocalPlaneXResolution: 2083,423126
- FocalPlaneYResolution: 2083,423126
- ISO: 200
- LightSource: Unknown
- MaxApertureValue: 2,8
- MeteringMode: Multi-segment
- SceneCaptureType: Standard
- SceneType: Directly photographed
- SensingMethod: One-chip color area
- Sharpness: Normal
- ShutterSpeedValue: 1/512
- SubjectDistanceRange: Unknown
- WhiteBalance: Auto
- ICC-header
- CMMFlags: Not Embedded, Independent
- ColorSpaceData: RGB
- ConnectionSpaceIlluminant: 0,9642 1 0,82491
- DeviceAttributes: Reflective, Glossy, Positive, Color
- DeviceManufacturer: IEC
- DeviceModel: sRGB
- PrimaryPlatform: Microsoft Corporation
- ProfileClass: Display Device Profile
- ProfileCMMType: Lino
- ProfileConnectionSpace: XYZ
- ProfileCreator: HP
- ProfileDateTime: 1998:02:09 06:49:00
- ProfileFileSignature: acsp
- ProfileID: 0
- ProfileVersion: 2.1.0
- RenderingIntent: Perceptual
- ICC-meas
- MeasurementBacking: 0 0 0
- MeasurementFlare: 0,999%
- MeasurementGeometry: Unknown
- MeasurementIlluminant: D65
- MeasurementObserver: CIE 1931
- ICC-view
- ViewingCondIlluminant: 19,6445 20,3718 16,8089
- ViewingCondIlluminantType: D50
- ViewingCondSurround: 3,92889 4,07439 3,36179
- IFD0
- Model: X-T1
- ModifyDate: 2015-09-10T21:11:05+03:00
- ResolutionUnit: inches
- Software: Digital Camera X-T1 Ver4.00
- XResolution: 300
- YResolution: 300
- ApplicationRecordVersion: 2
- CodedCharacterSet: UTF8
- DateCreated: 2015:08:15
- TimeCreated: 11:42:06+00:00
- System
- XMP-aux
- DistortionCorrectionAlreadyApplied: True
- LateralChromaticAberrationCorrectionAlreadyApplied: True
- Lens: XF18-55mmF2.8-4 R LM OIS
- LensInfo: 18-55mm f/2.8-4
- LensSerialNumber: 46A09431
- VignetteCorrectionAlreadyApplied: True
- XMP-dc
- XMP-xmp
- CreateDate: 2015:08:15 11:42:06
- CreatorTool: Digital Camera X-T1 Ver4.00
- MetadataDate: 2015:09:10 21:11:05+03:00
- ModifyDate: 2015:09:10 21:11:05+03:00
- Rating: 0
- XMP-xmpMM
- DerivedFromDocumentID: xmp.did:8e7e4ec4-8bca-cf49-ab84-57f9f4a30420
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- DerivedFromOriginalDocumentID: 8DAF3E78F689DDBDDCAF0DBED30AB06D
- DocumentID: xmp.did:4D91C6D057E711E592A49FAA70684CF1
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- HistoryParameters: converted from image/x-fuji-raw to image/tiff
- HistoryWhen: 2015:09:07 21:27:59+03:00, 2015:09:10 20:51:05+03:00, 2015:09:10 20:52+03:00
- InstanceID: xmp.iid:4D91C6CF57E711E592A49FAA70684CF1
- OriginalDocumentID: 8DAF3E78F689DDBDDCAF0DBED30AB06D
- Просмотров: 98
- Рейтинг: голосов еще нет
- Отзывов: 0